


The Spanish keyboard layout is used to write in Spanish and in other languages of Spain such as Aragonese, Asturian, Catalan, Occitan, Galician and Basque. It includes Ñ for Spanish, Asturian and Galician, the acute accent, the diaeresis, the left question and exclamation marks (¿, ¡) and, finally, some characters required only for typing Catalan and Occitan that are Ç, the grave accent and the interpunct (punt volat/punt interior, used in l·l, n·h, s·h; located at Shift-3). It can also be us..

Spanish belongs to the Romance branch of the Indo-European language family. Like all Romance languages, Spanish developed from Vulgar Latin in an area of the Iberian peninsula that is now Spain, and was brought to the Americas, the Philippines, and parts of Oceania by the Spanish colonization in the 16th century. It is spoken as a first language in 30 countries world-wide by about over 399 million and as a second language by some 89.5 million people (Ethnologue). Mexico has the largest population of Spanish first-language speakers in the world (103 million). The four next largest Spanish-speaking populations reside in Colombia (41 million), Spain (38.6 million), Argentina (38.8 million) and U.S. (34.2 million based on 2010 census). It is the fourth most spoken language in the world after Chinese, Hindi, and English.

Spaniards call their language español when contrasting it with other national languages. They refer to it as castellano (Castilian) when contrasting it with other regional languages of Spain, e.g., Catalan, Galician, or Basque. Other Spanish-speaking countries tend to use one or the other of the two terms.


Spanish is the official (or national) language of Argentina, Bolivia (with Quechua and Aymara), Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea (with French), Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay (with Guarani), Peru (with Quechua and Aymara), Puerto Rico (with English), Spain (co-official in some regions with Catalan, Galician and Basque), Uruguay, Venezuela. In the United States, Spanish is the most studied foreign language in schools and universities. Spanish has co-official status in the state of New Mexico, and in Puerto Rico. It is is one of the six official working languages of the United Nations and one of twenty-three official languages of the European Union.


Since Spanish is spoken by so many people in so many countries it is not surprising that it has developed a number of different dialects. The classic division is usually made between Spanish from Spain, or Castilian Spanish, and Spanish from Latin America. Within each division there are variations involving pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and intonation. Despite many regional differences, speakers of Spanish from different countries can understand each other without much difficulty. Examples of differences are given below.

  • Pronunciation
    Castilian voiceless interdental fricative [θ], as in thin, does not exist in Latin American Spanish where ciento ‘hundred’ and siento ‘I am sorry’ are both pronounced with an initial [s]. In most of Spain, however, ciento is pronounced with an initial [θ].
  • Grammar
    The 2nd person plural pronoun vosotros is the plural form of tu in most of Spain, but in the Americas it is replaced by ustedes. There are corresponding differences in the verb endings.
  • Vocabulary
    Anybody who has studied Spanish knows how frustrating it can be to discover that a word in a Spanish textbook may not be used in some Spanish-speaking countries at all, or have a different meaning. For instance, the word for ‘computer’ is el ordenador in Spain, but computadora in Latin America. The word for ‘bus’ is guagua in Puerto Rico, but in Chile it means ‘baby’.

The sound system of Spanish is relatively uncomplicated.

Spanish has five vowel phonemes, i.e., sounds that make a difference in word meaning. In addition, Spanish has several diphthongs, such as /ui/ as in muy ‘very.’

  Front Central Back


Spanish has 19-20 consonant phonemes, i.e., sounds that differentiate word meaning. The chart below is based on Iberian Spanish. There are dialectal differences.

    Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Post- alveolar Palatal Velar
Stops voiceless
Fricatives voiceless  
Affricates voiceless        
  • /p, t, k/ are not aspirated, i.e., they are produced without a puff of air, as in English.
  • /b/ has two realizations: as voiced bilabial stop [b] at the beginning of words and after nasal consonants, e.g., barriobamba; between vowels it is realized as a voiced bilabial approximant [β], e.g., cabo ‘cape’ is pronounced as [kaβo].
  • /d/ has two realizations: as a voiced dental stop [d] at the beginning of words and after nasal consonants, e.g., dar ‘to give’, donde ‘where’, and as avoiced interdental fricative [ð], like th in those, between vowels, e.g., hablado ‘spoken’ is pronounced as [ablaðo].
  • /θ/ = th in thin; it does not occur in Latin American Spanish that uses /s/ instead.
  • /x/ has no equivalent in English.
  • /ʝ/ has no equivalent in English; it occurs in words such as yo ‘I’. In some dialects it sounds more like s in vision.
  • /tʃ/ = ch in chat
  • /ɲ/ = first n in canyon
  • /ʎ/ = ll in million
  • There are two different /r/ phonemes: one is an alveolar tap, e.g., pero ‘but’, the other is an alveolar trille.g., perro ‘dog’. Only the trill can occur at the beginning of words.


Spanish is a syllable-timed language. In a syllable-timed language, every syllable takes up roughly the same amount of time, in contrast to a stress-timed language, such as English, in which stressed syllables take up more time than unstressed ones. Stress can occur on any syllable. 


Like other Romance languages, Spanish developed from Latin. As a result, its grammar shares many features with other Romance languages.

Nouns, adjectives, articles, and pronouns

  • Spanish nouns are marked for gender (masculine, feminine) and number (singular, plural).
  • There are no cases.
  • Articles and adjectives agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. Adjectives follow nouns, e.g., el/un hombre simpático ‘the/a nice man’, la/una mujer simpática ‘the/a nice woman’, los/unos hombres simpáticos ‘the/some nice men’, las/unas mujeres simpáticas ‘the/some nice women’.
  • Latin American Spanish has only one form of the 2nd person plural — ustedes— which is used for both informal and formal address. In contrast, Iberian Spanish has two forms: ustedes (formal) and vosotros (informal). In Argentina and Uruguay, Vos ‘you‘ (singular, formal) is used as the primary form of 2nd person singular.



  • There are three regular conjugations that can be identified by the infinitive ending, for example, cantar to sing’, comer ‘to eat’, vivir ‘to live’.There are many irregular verbs.
  • Verbs agree with their subjects in person (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and number (singular, plural).
  • There are three tenses (present, past, future). Compound tenses are formed with the auxiliary verb haber ‘to have’.
  • There are four moods: indicative, conditional, subjunctive, imperative.
  • Pronoun subjects are normally dropped since the verb endings carry information about person and number, e.g., canto ‘I sing’.
  • There are two voices: active and passive.


Word order
The normal word order in Spanish declarative sentences is Subject-Verb-Object, e.g., Juan está leyendo un libro ‘John is reading a book.’ In questions, the normal word order is Question Word-Verb-Subject, e.g., ¿Qué está haciendo Juan?, ‘What is Juan doing?’


Spanish vocabulary is Latin-based with a large number of borrowings from Arabic, and more recently from English. Spain’s Arabic connection goes back to the invasion of Spain by Arabic-speaking Moors in 711 AD. Spanish and Arabic coexisted side by side until the Moors were expelled in the 15th century AD. By then thousands of Arabic words had become part of Spanish. Many of them start with al-, the definite article in Arabic. Many Spanish place names can be traced to Arabic, e.g., Alhambra from Arabic al-hamrâ ‘the red (castle)’. You will recognize some of these words as they are very similar to English words. Below are a few examples of such words:


From Arabic (al = definite article)
adobe al-tob ‘the brick’ adobe
albaricoque al-birquuq apricot
alcachofa al-jarshuuf artichoke
álgebra al-jebr ‘reunion of broken parts’ algebra
azafrán za’faran saffron
azúcar sukkar sugar
barrio barriya ‘open country’, from barr ‘outside’ barrio
cuscús kuskus from kaskasa ‘to pound’ couscous
jarra jarrah ‘earthen water vessel’ mug
naranja naranj ‘orange’ orange


Latin American Spanish has also borrowed words from the Indian languages of Central and South America. English, in turn, borrowed these words from Spanish.

Spanish From English
cigarro Mayan sicar ‘to smoke rolled tobacco leaves,’ from sic ‘tobacco’ cigar
chile Nahuatl cilli, native name for pepper chili pepper
coca Quechua cuca, native name for coca plant coca
cóndor Quechua cuntur condor
llama Quechua llama llama
tamal Nahuatl tamaltamalli, ‘a dish made of Indian corn and meat’ tamale
tapioca Tupi tipioca tapioca


Below are some common words and phrases in Spanish.


Hello! ¡Hola!
Goodbye Adiós
Thank you Gracias
Please! ¡Por favor!
Excuse me. Perdón, lo siento
No No
Man Hombre
Woman Mujer


It must be noted that there are some differences in vocabulary among the Spanish-speaking countries. For instance, the word for bus in Spain is autobús, but in Puerto Rico it is guagua. However, the word guagua in Chile means ‘baby’.  In some Latin American countries the word for avocado is aguacate, while in others it ispalta.

Below are the numerals 1-10 in Spanish.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez



Written Spanish first appeared in notes and glosses in Latin religious texts in the 11th century. In the 12th century, law codes were translated into Spanish. The 13th century gave rise to Spanish prose. The first Spanish grammar and dictionaries were published in the 15th-16th centuries.

Spanish is written with the Latin alphabet that includes one extra letter Ñ ñ. It is given below.

A a
B b
C c
D d
E e
F f
G g
H h
I i
J j
K k
L l
M m
N n
Ñ ñ
O o
P p
Q q
R r
S s
T t
U u
V v
W w
X x
Y y
Z z


  • The acute accent is used over the vowels á, é, í, ó, ú is an integral part of Spanish orthography; it is used to mark stress when it does not follow the normal pattern, or to differentiate words that otherwise sound alike.
  • ñ = first n in canyon
  • Spanish precedes interrogative and exclamatory clauses with inverted question and exclamation marks, e.g., ¿Que pasa? ‘What’s up?’ or ¡No me digas! ‘Don’t tell me!’
  • h is always silent.
  • and z are pronounced as [θ] (th in thin) in most of Spain and as [s] in Latin America.
  • d is pronounced as [ð] (th in those) between vowels, and as [d] elsewhere, e.g., dar ‘to give’ is pronounced as [dar], and hablado ‘spoken’ is pronounced as [ablaðo].
  • g is pronounced as a voiceless velar fricative [x] (ch as in German pronunciation of Bach) or voiceless glottal fricative [h] (h as in hat) before i and e, and as [g] elsewhere, e.g., gato ‘cat’ is pronounced as [gato], gente ‘people’ is pronounced as [xente] or [hente].
  • There is no difference in the pronounciation of b and v. Both are pronounced as [b] at the beginning of words and after nasal consonants, e.g., barrio,bamba. Elsewhere, both are pronounced as a voiced bilabial approximant [β], e.g., cabo ‘cape’ is pronounced as [kaβo].
  • ll is pronounced as a voiced palatal approximant [ʝ], e.g., calle ‘street is pronounced as [kaʝe].
  • occurs only in borrowings and foreign names.

Take a look at Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Spanish.

Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos
Articulo 1
Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y, dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

English has borrowed many words from Spanish. Below are just a few of them.

adios flamenco
aficionado jalapeño
bronco machete
barrio patio
canyon plaza
corrida salsa
El Niño siesta
fiesta tango

The Spanish keyboard layout is used to write in Spanish and in other languages of Spain such as Aragonese, Asturian, Catalan, Occitan, Galician and Basque. It includes Ñ for Spanish, Asturian and Galician, the acute accent, the diaeresis, the left question and exclamation marks (¿, ¡) and, finally, some characters required only for typing Catalan and Occitan that are Ç, the grave accent and the interpunct (punt volat/punt interior, used in l·l, n·h, s·h; located at Shift-3). It can also be used to write other international characters, such as the circumflex accent (used in French and Portuguese among others) and the tilde (used in both Spanish and Portuguese), which are available as dead keys. However, it lacks two characters used in Asturian: Ḥ and Ḷ (historically, general support for these two has been poor – they aren't present in the ISO 8859-1 character encoding standard, or any other ISO/IEC 8859 standard); several alternative distributions, based on this one or created from scratch, have been created to address this issue (see the Other original layouts and layout design software section for more information).

On most keyboards, € is marked as Alt Gr + E and not Alt Gr + 5 as shown in the image. However, in some keyboards, € is found marked twice.

Spanish keyboards are usually labelled in Spanish instead of English, its abbreviations being:

Spanish label English equivalent
Insertar (Ins) Insert (Ins)
Suprimir (Supr) Delete (Del)
Retroceder página (Re Pág) Page up (PgUp)
Avanzar página (Av Pág) Page down (PgDn)
Inicio Home
Fin End
Imprimir pantalla / Petición de sistema (Impr Pant/PetSis) Print Screen / System request (PrtScn/SysRq)
Bloqueo de mayúsculas (Bloq Mayús) Caps Lock
Bloqueo numérico (Bloq Num) Num Lock
Bloqueo de desplazamiento (Bloq Despl) Scroll Lock
Pausa / Interrumpir (Pausa/Inter) Pause/Break
Intro Enter
The c-cedilla key (Ç), instead of on the right of the acute accent key (´), is located alternatively on some keyboards one or two lines above. In some cases it's placed on the right of the plus sign key (+).[33][34] In other keyboards it's situated on the right of the inverted exclamation mark key (¡).[35][36]

Hispanic America

Latin American Spanish keyboard layout
The Hispanic American Spanish keyboard layout is used throughout Mexico, Central and South America. Before its design, Hispanic American vendors had been selling the Spanish (Spain) layout as default.

Its most obvious difference from the Spanish (Spain) layout is the lack of a Ç key; on Microsoft Windows it lacks a tilde (~) dead key, whereas on Linux systems the dead tilde can be optionally enabled. This is not a problem when typing in Spanish, but it is rather problematic when typing in Portuguese, which can be an issue in countries with large commercial ties to Brazil (Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay).

Normally "Bloq Mayús" is used instead of "Caps Lock", and "Intro" instead of "Enter".

Frontype is easy to use multilingual user-friendly virtual onscreen keyboard that turns any keyboard to your language layout. Just add needed language as input and start to type!

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Onscreen Keyboard

What does Onscreen Keyboard mean?

An onscreen keyboard is a software-based keyboard that is available in most operating systems, especially Microsoft Windows, and in other applications. An onscreen keyboard allows users to type text using a joystick or a pointing device. Apart from improving input options for users who are physically challenged, it also serves as an alternative to a physical keyboard.

Onscreen keyboards are also known as software keyboards or soft keyboards.

Onscreen Keyboard

An onscreen keyboard displays a virtual keyboard on the screen for users to enter input. It can be operated with the help of any pointing device such as a mouse, pen, joystick, etc. The keyboard is often resizable and customizable, allowing the typing mode, font, etc., to be changed as needed. In certain onscreen keyboards, especially those from Windows 7 and later versions, they are equipped with a predictive text engine, which helps in predicting the words the users may type.

There are several ways an onscreen keyboard can come in handy. It is useful, for example, for physically challenged users who have difficulty using a physical keyboard. It can also be used as an alternative or a temporary keyboard in case the physical keyboard becomes defective. Using an onscreen keyboard also prevents keystrokes from being captured by certain spyware programs such as keyloggers.

However, as typing on an onscreen keyboard is slower and more difficult than on a physical keyboard, most onscreen keyboards feature predictive text input.