

Type: Virtual Onscreen Keyboard
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The layout of the various characters on a keyboard has profound impact on the efficiency of a typist. If frequently occurring characters are not easily accessible, the rate of typing will go down. An ill-designed keyboard might place a disproportionately high load on the weaker fingers of the hand, leading to typing fatigue (even musculoskeletal injuries in the long term). Hence it is important while designing a keyboard that a significant amount to thought be devoted to determine the most optimal arrangement of characters.

For English and other European language keyboards, considerable investigation has gone into finding a suitable arrangement of characters. The standard keyboard is the QWERTY keyboard that everyone is familiar with. Also there is the Dvorak keyboard which was proposed in the 1920’s and 30’s by August Dvorak and William Dealey. This keyboard was a result of significant ergonomic research and is known to outperform the standard QWERTY keyboard on many factors (home row usage, for example).

Standard keyboard arrangements exist for Hindi too. However, a detailed analysis of whether these are truly opti-

Hindi, the third most commonly spoken language in the world after Chinese and English, is used by more than 600 million people in India.

• To analyze the optimality of the current standard Hindi keyboard with respect to various arrangements possible.

• To find (if it exists) a keyboard arrangement that is better than the current Hindi keyboard in terms of typing convenience and efficiency.

A Summary of Related Research

Research has been done previously in the area of optimizing keyboard layouts using optimization techniques like Genetic Algorithms [6, 2], Simulated Annealing, Ant Colony Optimization etc. Most of this research has been in two broad directions:

• Normal Keyboards - These are traditional keyboards where each character is mapped to a unique key on the keyboard. The objective of optimization in such a case is to arrange the characters on the keys in a manner that is most efficient in terms of typing time and effort. Most of the work done in this regard has been for the Roman script. This work is an effort to extend these same methods to the Hindi language. For further references related to this, refer to [5,7].

• Ambiguous Keyboards - With the emergence of devices like mobile phones, ambiguous keyboards are gaining in popularity and relevance. These are keyboards where multiple characters are mapped to a single key. In such keyboards, either the user presses a key multiple times to enter a character or an ambiguity resolution mechanism predicts which character the user actually intended to type. Some approaches discussed in [4, 3] assume that the system uses a statistical model (derived from commonly used English words) to predict the most likely character that the user wanted to type depending on the characters already entered. Others wait for the user to enter the entire word and then search in a dictionary for all words

which can be formed by the key combinations that the user pressed. In both these approaches, the essential problem is that of ambiguity reduction. So the objective of the optimization in these problems is to determine how to map different sets of characters to the keys so that the resulting ambiguity is minimized. In this paper, we focus on normal keyboards and henceforth, unless stated otherwise, a keyboard should be taken to mean a normal keyboard.

The Devanagari Script

Devanagari is the script in which Hindi is written. The Bureau of Indian Standards has standardized the character set for the Devanagari script. The standard is named the Indian Script Code for Information Interchange (ISCII). The original document issued by the Govt, of India giving detailed specification of the standard can be obtained from [1]. The character set is shown in Figure 1. Note that the script possess some conceptual differences from the Roman script. Some of these are summarized below:

• The concept of тл/га.у(character modifiers) has no parallels in the Roman script. These can occur as stand alone characters or be appended to other characters to modify their sound. There are twelve such matras in all.

• Each character has a shiro rekha (a horizontal line) on top of it.

• Character modifiers, basically matras and other special characters, can occur before, on top, below or after the main character that they modify.
When the same hand is used for two consecutive hits, large distances which require awkward hand posture lead to slow and laborious typing. This happens for diagraphs whose component keys have a vertical distance greater or equal to one. The relevant set Ei is therefore the set of digraphs which are typed using the same hand, but not the same finger and the vertical distance between the two keys is greater

Frontype is easy to use multilingual user-friendly virtual onscreen keyboard that turns any keyboard to your language layout. Just add needed language as input and start to type!




The layout of the various characters on a keyboard has profound impact on the efficiency of a typist. If frequently occurring characters are not easily accessible, the rate of typing will go down. An ill-designed keyboard might place a disproportionately high load on the weaker fingers of the hand, leading to typing fatigue (even musculoskeletal injuries in the long term). Hence it is important while designing a keyboard that a significant amount to thought be devoted to determine the most op..

Hindi, also known as Khadi Boli, Khari Boli, belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family. It is spoken as a first language primarily in northern and central India by more than 258 million people (Ethnologue). It is the language that unifies multilingual India, home to some 400 different languages/dialects. Outside of India, Hindi is spoken in Australia, Bangladesh, Belize, Bhutan, Botswana, Canada, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Germany, Guyana, Kenya, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Sint Maarten, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Yemen, Zambia (Ethnologue). Such a wide distribution makes Hindi one of the most spoken languages of the world.

Hindi vs. Urdū
The name Hindi is of Persian origin. The Persians used it to refer to the Indian people and to the languages they spoke. Scholars postulate that Hindi developed in the 8th-10th centuries from khari boli, the speech around Dehli which was adopted by the Moslem invaders to communicate with the local population. Eventually, it developed into a variety called Urdū (from Turkish ordu ‘camp’), characterized by numerous borrowings from Persian and Arabic, which became a literary language. In the meantime, the language of the indigenous population remained relatively free of borrowings from Persian and Arabic, and instead borrowed words and literary conventions from Sanskrit. This language became Hindi.

As a result of these different influences, Hindi is written in the Devanagari script and draws much of its vocabulary from Sanskrit, while Urdū is written in the Perso-Arabic script and draws a great deal of its lexicon from Persian and Arabic. The two languages also differ in a number of relatively minor ways in their sound system and grammar. Both Hindi and Urdū have been used as literary languages starting in the 12th century. Under the influence of English, Hindi and Urdū literature flourished starting in the 18th century.

Hindi and Urdū have a common colloquial form, called Hindustani. Hindustani never achieved the status of a literary language, although Mahatma Gandhi used it as a symbol of national unity during India’s struggle for independence from England.


Hindi is the primary official language of the Union government of India. It is the primary tongue of about a third of India’s 1.09 billion people. Hindi became the official language of India in 1965, although the Constitution of India also recognizes English plus 21 other official languages.

After the Independence of India from Britain in 1947, the Government of India undertook the standardization of the language. In 1958, ‘A Basic Grammar of Modern Hindi’ was published as a result of the work of a government-appointed committee. Hindi spelling was standardized, and a standardized system of transcribing the Devanagari alphabet was devised.

Hindi and English
For speakers of India’s approximately 400 languages/dialects to function within a single country requires some common language. The choice of this language, known in India as the ‘link’ language, has been a sensitive political issue since independence in 1947. Efforts to reach a consensus on a single national language that is acceptable to all the diverse language communities have been largely unsuccessful.

Both Hindi and English are extensively used, and each has its own supporters. On the one hand, native speakers of Hindi, concentrated in northern and central India, assert that English is a relic from India’s colonial past. In addition, since it is spoken mostly by the country’s educated elite, it is too exclusive to be India’s official language. Proponents of English, on the other hand, argue that the use of Hindi is unfair because it disadvantages those who have to learn it as a second language.

Education in English continues to be a prerequisite for social status. English remains the sole language of higher education in almost every field of learning. Code-switching between Hindi and English is extremely common, especially among educated Indians.

Click on the MLA Interactive Language Map to find out where Hindi is spoken in the U.S.


There are many regional varieties of spoken Hindi. Literary Hindi has 4 varieties: High Hindi, Nagari Hindi, Literary Hindi, and standard Hindi.

Sound system

The sound system of Hindi is fairly typical of Indo-Aryan languages.

Hindi has 11 oral vowel phonemesi.e., sounds that differentiate word meaning. Vowels can be oral or nasal. Nasalization makes a difference in word meaning, e.g., ak ‘a plant’, ãk ‘draw’.

  • /i/ = ea in peat
  • /I/ = i in pit
  • /e/ = e in pet
  • /ε/ = i in girl
  • /æ/ = a in pat
  • /ə/ = a in ago
  • /u/ = oo in too
  • /ʊ/ = oo in good
  • // = oo in bog
  • /α/ = a in car


Hindi/Urdu have a large consonant inventory. The use of consonant clusters is extremely limited, even in borrowed words. They occur mostly in initial and medial position. Only a restricted set of consonant clusters can occur at the end of words. Consonants can be geminated (doubled) in medial position.

The exact number of consonants is difficult to determine due to regional differences in pronunciation. In addition, the extent to which consonant sounds that appear only in borrowed words should be considered part of Standard Hindi is also a matter of debate. In the table below, consonants that do not occur in all varieties of Hindi, and those that occur primarily in borrowings are given in parentheses.

Stops unaspirated voiceless    
aspirated voiceless
unaspirated voiced      
aspirated voiced
Fricatives voiceless  
Affricates unaspirated voiceless    
unaspirated voiced        
aspirated voiced        
Nasals ……      
Laterals …..      
Flap or trill unaspirated      
ɽraised h
  • There is a contrast between short and long consonants, e.g., pəta ‘address’ and pətta ‘leaf’.
  • There is a contrast between aspirated vs. unaspirated stops and affricates, including voiced ones, e.g., p—pʰ, t—tʰ, k—kʰ, b—bʰ, d—dʰ, g—gʰ, /ʈ/—/ʈʰ/, etc. Aspirated consonants are produced with a strong puff of air.
  • There is a contrast between and apical vs. retroflex consonants, e.g., /t/ – /ʈ/, /d/ – /ɖ/, /n/ – /ɳ/. Apical consonants are produced with the tip of the tongue touching the roof of the mouth, whereas retroflex consonants are produced with the tongue curled, so that its underside comes in contact with the roof of the mouth.
  • /ʋ/ is often realized as /v/.
  • /ʃ/ = sh in shop
  • /tʃ/ = ch in chop
  • /dʒ/ = j in job
  • /j/ = y in yet


Stress in Hindi/Urdu normally falls on the penultimate (i.e., next to the last) syllable of a word. The position of stress alone does not affect word meaning.


Hindi is a highly inflected language which utilizes prefixes and suffixes to form words and to express grammatical relations. Hindi uses postpositions, rather than prepositions to express various case relationships. Postpositions require that the nouns be used in the oblique case.

Hindi nouns are marked for the following categories:

  • number: singular and plural;
  • gender: masculine and feminine;
  • case: direct (nominative), oblique, and vocative;
  • the direct case is used to mark subjects of sentences; the oblique case is used with postpositions
  • there are four declensional paradigms for masculine and four declensional paradigms for feminine nouns;
  • adjectives agree with the nouns they modify in number, gender, and case;
  • adjectives have fewer case forms than nouns;
  • pronouns have more case forms than nouns;
  • 3rd-person pronouns are the same as proximate and remote demonstratives yəh ‘this and vəh ‘that.’
  • there is a 2nd-person honorific pronoun ap which is used with both singular/plural and male/female addressees.

Hindi verbs are characterized by the following:

  • Hindi verbs occur in the following forms: root (kha ‘eat’), imperfect stem (khatA), perfect stem (khayA), and infinitive (khanA). The stems agree with nouns in gender and number.;
  • person: 1st, 2nd, 2nd honorific, 3rd;
  • number: singular and plural;
  • tense: present, past, future;
  • tense distinction of present vs. past is expressed by the auxiliary verb honA ‘to be.’
  • aspect: imperfective, and perfective;
  • mood: indicative, imperative, optative.

Second-person personal pronouns are marked for three levels of politeness. Verbs in the 2nd person are also marked for politeness.

  • singular form tu (informal, extremely intimate, or disrespectful)
  • singular form tum (informal and showing intimacy)
  • plural form ap (formal and respectful).

Word order
Hindi word order is typically Subject-Object-Verb. Modifiers precede the nouns they modify.

Due to the influence of Hinduism, Hindi derives most of its high-level vocabulary from Sanskrit. As a result of the Moslem influence in Northern India, Hindi also has many Persian, Arabic and Turkish loanwords. Due to the influence of Islam, Urdu vocabulary has a greater percentage of loanwords fromPersian and Arabic than does the vocabulary of Hindi.

Here are a few common Hindi phrases in transcription and in Devanāgarī.

Hello/goodbye Namastē. नमस्ते
Thank you (formal) Dhan’yavāda. धन्यवाद
Please. Kr̥payā. कृपया
Yes Hāṁ. हां
No Nahīṁ.नहीं
Man Ādamī. आदमी
Woman Mahilā. महिला 


Below are Hindi numerals 0-10 in transcription.



Hindi is written in the Devanāgarī script, a descendant of the Brāhmī script. Devanāgarī script is also used for writing Sanskrit, Marathi, and Nepali. There is a fairly good correspondence between the characters and the sounds they represent. The Devanāgarī script is a syllable-based writing system in which is each syllable consists of a consonant plus an inherent vowel /ə/. There are a number of rules governing the realization of inherent vowels. Vowels have different representations in writing depending on whether they are independent or following a consonant. Devanāgarī is written from left to right. Sentences are separated by vertical lines.

Take a look at Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Devanāgarī and in romanization.

– सभी मनुष्यों को गर्व और अधिकारों के मामले में जन्मजात स्वतन्त्रता और समानता प्राप्त है। उन्हे बुद्धि और अन्तरआत्मा की देन है और परस्पर उन्हें भाईचारे के भाव से बर्ताव करना चाहिये ।
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Hindi words in English 
English has borrowed a number of words from Hindi. Among them are these familiar ones:

English word
from Hindi
bandhnua method of dyeing
bangri ‘colored glass bracelet or anklet’
chita ‘leopard’
quli ‘hired servant’
khat ‘couch, hammock’
dingi ‘small boat’
dungri ‘coarse cloth’
guru ‘teacher, priest’
jangal ‘forest, uncultivated land’
lut ‘stolen property’
pajama ‘loose garment’
payndit ‘learned man, teacher’
swami swami ‘master’
thug fname of Hindu sect Thugee whose members killed people for sacrifice to the goddess Kali



Most Popular keyboard for Download

Onscreen Keyboard

What does Onscreen Keyboard mean?

An onscreen keyboard is a software-based keyboard that is available in most operating systems, especially Microsoft Windows, and in other applications. An onscreen keyboard allows users to type text using a joystick or a pointing device. Apart from improving input options for users who are physically challenged, it also serves as an alternative to a physical keyboard.

Onscreen keyboards are also known as software keyboards or soft keyboards.

Onscreen Keyboard

An onscreen keyboard displays a virtual keyboard on the screen for users to enter input. It can be operated with the help of any pointing device such as a mouse, pen, joystick, etc. The keyboard is often resizable and customizable, allowing the typing mode, font, etc., to be changed as needed. In certain onscreen keyboards, especially those from Windows 7 and later versions, they are equipped with a predictive text engine, which helps in predicting the words the users may type.

There are several ways an onscreen keyboard can come in handy. It is useful, for example, for physically challenged users who have difficulty using a physical keyboard. It can also be used as an alternative or a temporary keyboard in case the physical keyboard becomes defective. Using an onscreen keyboard also prevents keystrokes from being captured by certain spyware programs such as keyloggers.

However, as typing on an onscreen keyboard is slower and more difficult than on a physical keyboard, most onscreen keyboards feature predictive text input.